
What is the controlling resistance and heat loss

A furnace wall as 0.5 m thick inner layer of fire clay brick (k=1.7w/m*k) a 0.1 m thick layer of kaolin brick(k=0.12) and a 0.1 m thick outer layer of face brick(k=1.3). The furnace gases are at 1300 K and the ambient air is at 310K. a. Determine the heat loss through a 4 m high, 10 m long wall of the furnace only considering conduction. What is the controllling resistance? b. Determine the heat loss through a 4m high 10 m long wall of the furnace considering conduction and convection. The inside and outside heat transfer coeficients are 100 and 15 W/m^2*K respectively. What is the controlling resistance?

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Mechanical Engineering: What is the controlling resistance and heat loss
Reference No:- TGS0709502

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