
What is the connection between salience and the

Mitchell (1982) showed participants simple line drawings. Seventeen years later, these participants could identify these line drawings from fragments better than participants who had not seen the line drawings years before. Which of the following is true about the results of this study?

1.The people who showed the priming effect had conscious awareness of having seen the stimuli before and having been in the original study
2.The people who showed the priming effect had conscious awareness of having seen the stimuli before but not of having been in the study
3.The people who showed the priming effect had conscious awareness of the study itself, but not of the stimuli
4.The people who showed the priming effect had no conscious awareness of either the study or the stimuli

2. The failure of Introspectionism can be attributed to
1.The scientific climate in US and Europe
2.The high reliability of Introspectionist methodology
3.The low reliability of Introspectionist methodology
4.Both 1 & 3
5.None of the above

3. Bruner & Goodman (1947) found that
1.Children's estimates of coin sizes were not affected by the value of the coins (e.g., the deviation from actual size did not differ for pennies vs. dimes)
2.Children's estimates of coin sizes were influenced by both the value of the coins as well as the income of the child's family
3.Children's estimates of coin sizes were influenced by only the value of the coins and not by the income of the child's family
4.Children's estimates of coins sizes tended to be accurate, except for estimates of the 50 cent piece

4. What is the connection between salience and the actor-observer effect?
1.The effect can be explained by thinking about what is salient for the actor versus the observer
2.Actors and observers tend to disregard the salient things in the environment
3.Although the Fundamental Attribution Error can be explained in terms of salience, the actor-observer effect cannot
4.There is no connection between these two things

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Financial Accounting: What is the connection between salience and the
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