What is the concept of jihad in islam

Complete the mcq:

1. The Fourth Lateran Council:

a. allowed Diocletian to continue the persecution of Christians
b. outlawed apprenticeships
c. required Christians to take communion and confess sins at least once a year.
d. established wage and price controls
e. was designed to reduce the influence of Islam in the eastern provinces.

2. Simony

a. involved offering money or gifts in return for church office, job or priesthood
b. gave women the right to inherit property
c. Prioritized self-denial and spiritual discipline
d.allowed priests to marry
e.was invented by Romulus Augustulus.

3. Guilds

a. all of the above
b. began as religious fellowships
c.always used slave labor to produce goods
d. were created by Charlemagne to increase revenue
e.were abolished after the first crusade

4. The concept of jihad in Islam relates to "striving in the the way of God."

a. True

5. English Common Law was slow and and unfair, leading to rebellion.

a. True
b. False

6. Primogeniture changed inheritance laws so that eldest sons inherited all of the property.


Fill in the blank

7. The Catholic church developed the _______________ such as baptism, the Eucharist and marriage to create a standard way for transmitting God's grace to Christians.

8. Lords gave fiefs to their vassals in exchange for loyalty and service during the Medieval period. This practice was called ____________________________

9. The___________ ____________was an agricultural innovation which increased food production during the early Medieval period.

Short Answer - From a list of eight (8) of these terms, choose one (2) and write a short essay, at least one paragraph long, identifying and explaining the significance of the term.

You must chosse a different term

1. Monastery

2. Inquisition

3. Charlemagne

4. Apprentice

5. Hijra

6. Dante Alighieri

7. Eleanor of Aquitaine

8. Magna Carta

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History: What is the concept of jihad in islam
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