
What is the companys statement about sustainability

Written assignment

Provide a written analysis of the company's attention and commitment to the concepts of sustainability as we have discussed in class, or as the company has defined them. You should include the following:

1. What is the company's statement about sustainability? Is it part of their mission statement or strategic plan?

2. What evidence can you find about how they are actually performing with regard to their philosophy? For example, what are they doing with regard to reducing their own waste (think Starbucks)? What type of brands do they produce or sell that may either support or contradict their philosophy? How do they treat their suppliers, or their source of goods, i.e. is there evidence that child labor is used by a supplier?

3. Do they sell "green" or "fair trade" products? If so, describe them.

4. Is there any evidence of publicity regarding their performance on Corporate Social Responsibility issues?

5. Finally, how would YOU rate this company with regard to CSR and Sustainability performance?

Part C: Financial Analysis

Access the Hoover's database in the school library. Search for your company and find their financials. Provide data for the STOCK performance during the last 5 years in graph form. Also, provide COMPETITIVE data for the most recent (2014) annual sales and net profit. There will be two graphs.

Save these graphs as PDFs and include in the report.

Write a statement of whether or not you think the company's attention to sustainability has harmed their performance. Do you think it could have contributed to their performance?

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Other Management: What is the companys statement about sustainability
Reference No:- TGS01780210

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