
What is the common name for mr thomas condition look this


Directions: Below are terms built from word parts. Analyze each term by listing and defining the word parts used to build it.

Medical Term

1. subiliac

2. carpal

3. humeral

4. clavicular

5. fibular

6. atherosclerosis

7. atrioventricular

8. cardiogram

9. cardiomegaly

10. cardiomyopathy


Word Parts Assignment (Part 2): Unscramble

Directions: Unscramble each medical term below. A definition for the term is given below each scrambled term.

1. aaihhmrrty

Irregular heartbeat

2. lyrdipoucmanora

Pertaining to heart and lungs

3. aeiimhsc

4 Loss of blood supply from occlusion


Abnormal quivering of heart

5. yresoneintph

High blood pressure

6. lucvilarac

Pertaining to the collar bone

7. lisocoiss

Abnormal lateral curvature of the spine

8. paraiordhgy

Imaging procedure using x-rays

9. octuranrtec

Abnormal shortening of muscle fibers

10. srtosioh

Externally applied splint or brace


Abbreviations (Part 3):

Directions: Please define each of the following abbreviations in the space provided.

1. AK

2. BDT

3. B

4. BMD

5. C1

6. PVD

7. SK

8. TEE

9. V Fib

10. V-tach


Case Study Assignment (Part 4):

Directions: Below is a case study presentation of a patient with a condition covered in Chapter 7. Read the case study, and answer the questions below. Some questions will ask for information not included within this chapter. Use your textbook, a medical dictionary, or any other reference material you choose to answer these questions.

Mr. Thomas is a 62-year-old man who has been diagnosed with an acute myocardial infarction with the following symptoms and history. His chief complaint is a persistent, crushing chest pain that radiates to his left arm, jaw, neck, and shoulder blade. He describes the pain, which he has had for the past 12 hours, as a squeezing sensation around his heart. He also reports nausea and dyspnea. He has a low-grade temperature, and his blood pressure is within a normal range at 130/82. He states that he smokes two packs of cigarettes a day, is overweight by 50 pounds, and has a family history of hypertension and coronary heart disease. He leads a relatively sedentary life style.

1.What is the common name for Mr. Thomas' condition? Look this condition up in a reference source and include a short description of it.

2.What is the medical term for this patient's chief complaint?

3.List and define each of the patient's additional symptoms in your own words. These terms appear in other chapters of your textbook.

4.Mr. Thomas does not have hypertension. According to your textbook, what is the blood pressure that is usually considered high?

5.Review the diagnostic heart tests described in Chapter 7. Which ones could be ordered to diagnose heart abnormalities or damage?

6 What are Mr. Thomas' risk factors for heart disease? What can he change?

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