
What is the common laws traditional viewpoint concerning


Chapter 9

1. Describe the nuances of the terms medical records and health information. Why does HIPAA use the latter term?

3. Describe some circumstances in which confidential health information without the patient's may be disclosed without the patient's consent?

6. Who owns physical health records, X-ray images, and other items containing health information?

Chapter 10

1. What is the common law's traditional viewpoint concerning a bystander's duty to come to the aid of a person in need? How, if at all, is that duty different today? How might it differ depending on who the bystander is?

3. Describe a hospital's duty to a person who comes to the ED requesting treatment. Is this duty to a person is indigent?

7. What effects have Good Samaritan statutes had on the duty to render aid in an emergency?

Textbook: The law of healthcare administration. 9th edition. J Stuart Showalter

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