You coinfect an E. coli strain with 2 strains of phage T4 phage(virus). One strain is m r tu and the other strain is wild type (m+ r+ tu+). The progeny phages fromthis cross are plated and classified according to their genotypes. The results are shownbelowm
r tu 3352 m + + 503
+ + + 3606 + rtu 458
m r + 825 + r+ 166
m + tu 157 + + tu 933 Total = 10,000
a. Determine the 3 map distances (m-r, r-tu, and m-tu).
b. Make a genetic map.
c. What is the coefficient of coincidence? What is theinterference? What does it tell you about 2 nearby crossovers in phages that is different from that ineukaryotes?