
What is the clock speed of two core processor operating


A. If a disk has an access time of 20ms and it can rotate and transfer data at 6ms and 8ms respectively, what average time does it use to position the heads over a targeted sector? a. 17ms b. 3ms c. 6ms d. 34ms

B. Your frequently accessed websites and other social media resources are usually stored in which type of storage medium for quicker access?

C. Most cloud storage systems are interconnected together through which bus adapter line? a. Transmission controller b.system bus c. signal bus d. network adapter

D. When an instruction is executed which processor components holds the value or address of that instruction? a. control b. ALU C. Disk d. Register files

E. I/O arithmetic, logic, data movement and program controll all falls under which unique set of operations architecture?

F. Data keyed into the computer system for processed information to display on a display screen are carried by which parallel wire system?

G. What is the clock speed of 2 core processor operating at 3GHZ each?

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Operating System: What is the clock speed of two core processor operating
Reference No:- TGS03233084

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