
What is the climate of orange county ca pgs 75 68 or 96 a

Questions 1, 3, 6 and 7 have more than one answer. To receive the points, you must mark every answer that is correct! Please need helps with those questions.

1. The areas in North America that receive over 80 inches of rain annually are located: (pg. 49) a. North of the Arctic Circle b. South of the Tropic of Cancer c. East coast between 40° and 60° north latitude d. West coast between 40° and 60° north latitude 

2. What is the climate of Orange County, CA? (pgs. 75 & 68 or 96) a. Tropical Savanna b. Marine c. Mediterranean d. Humid Subtropical

3. What is the distance across Lake Superior from Duluth, Minnesota to Marathon, Ontario? (pg. 64) a. 300 miles b. 500 miles c. 375 kilometers d. 475 kilometers 

4. Use the color relief scale for elevation to rank the following cities from highest to lowest: Edmonton, Saskatoon, Mexico City, Kansas City, & Memphis. (pg, 57, 73, & 103) a. Saskatoon, Edmonton, Memphis, Kansas City, Mexico City b. Mexico City, Edmonton, Saskatoon, Kansas City, Memphis c. Memphis, Kansas City, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Mexico City d. Mexico City, Edmonton, Kansas City, Saskatoon, Memphis 

5. Forestry products are one of the dominant land uses in the North and Northwest (pg. 50). This activity predominantly occurs in what vegetation type? (pg. 47) a. Tropical rain forest b. Needleleaf Forest c. Grassland d. Tundra 

6. Compare the map of Tropical Rain Forests (pg. 115) to the Annual Precipitation Map (pg. 115). How many inches of rain does the Tropical Rain Forest receive annually? a. 10 - 20 inches b. 20 - 40 inches c. 40 - 80 inches d. Over 80 inches 

7. The distance of the Amazon River from the city of Iquitos to Macapa is approximately: (pg. 112) a. 2900 kilometers b. 1600 kilometers c. 2600 miles d. 1600 miles 

8. Rank the following South American cities by elevation from highest to lowest: Brasilia, Lima, Montevideo, La Paz. (pg. a. La Paz, Lima, Brasilia, Montevideo b. La Paz, Brasilia, Lima, Montevideo c. Montevideo, Brasilia, La Paz, Lima d. Montevideo, Brasilia, Lima, La Paz 

9. Compare the Land Use map (pg. 116) to the Climate map (pg. 115). Select the predominant (most area) land use in the tropical rain forest. a. Forestry b. Commercial farming c. Subsistence farming d. No widespread use 

10. Compare the Land Use maps for North America and South America (pgs. 50 & 116). Select the FALSE statement. a. North America has more subsistence farming than South America. b. North America has more commercial farming than South America. c. North America has more land with no widespread use than South America. d. North America has more forestry products than South America.

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