What is the clients glasgow coma score

Problem: Next set of vitals Temperature- 99.1 Heart rate- 128 Resp Rate- Ambu bag 20 breaths/min BP: 128/88 mmHg O2 sat: 92% on 100% O2 GENERAL: no acute distress RESP: color improved, pale pin, coarse crackles/rhonchi in both lungs even after suction. No spontaneous resp. effort CARDIAC: 2+ pulses, no edema NEURO: Still unresponsive, responds to pain stimuli by bringing both hands toward the source of pain GI: Abdomen soft, active bowel sound GU: Foley placed, 30mL clear urine Are there any vitals or assessment findings that are clinically significant? Why do you think the provider increased the rate from 15 to 20? What is this client's Glasgow Coma Score?



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