
What is the claim what is the main point the writer is

From the folder titled "Articles to Choose From: Evaluating Sources", pick one source I have posted. Print it and then evaluate it using the guidelines given on pages 400-3. Then you will respond to the questions posted in this assignment. Answer the questions thoroughly! Reviewing pages 400-3 will help you fully understand what is being asked in each question.

This is an IN-TEXT assignment, which means you will not upload a document, but will instead type directly into Moodle, answering the questions posted. Remember, this assignment counts as 10% of your final grade, so you still want to do quality work! The best way to answer the questions clearly is to copy and paste the questions and then answer each question directly underneath it.

Please remember to click "submit" when you are finished to get credit for your assignment. Also, list the author name and the title of the article at the beginning of your response.
Analyzing the Argument

All texts make some kind of argument, claiming something and then offering reasons and evidence as support for the claim. As a critical reader, you need to look closely at the argument a text makes-you need to recognize all the claims it makes, consider the support it offers for those claims, and decide how you want to respond. What do you think, and why? Here are the questions you should answer:

Remember to list the name of the author and the title of the article at the top of your response.

What is the claim? What is the main point the writer is trying to make? Is there a clearly stated THESIS, or is it merely implied?

What support does the writer offer for the claim? What REASONS are given to support the claim? What EVIDENCE backs up those reasons? Facts? Statistics? Testimonials by authorities? Examples? Pertinent anecdotes? Are the reasons plausible and sufficient?

How evenhandedly does the writer present the issues? Is there any mention of counterarguments? If so, how does the writer deal with them? By refuting them? By acknowledging them and responding to them reasonably? Does the writer treat other arguments respectfully? dismissively? Are his or her own arguments appropriately qualified?

What authorities or sources of outside information does the writer use? How are they used? How credible are they? Are they in any way biased or otherwise unreliable? Are they current?

How does the writer address you as the reader? Does the writer assume that readers know something about what is being discussed? Does his or her language include you or exclude you? (Hint: If you see the word we, do you feel included?) Do you sense that you and the author share any beliefs or attitudes?

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Other Subject: What is the claim what is the main point the writer is
Reference No:- TGS02368856

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