1. What is the chief function of the courts?
2. Over what must a court have jurisdiction before it can try a case?
3. How does a party get a case to the U.S. Supreme Court?
4. Name the court in which the following disputes would be settled:
a. A claim for an unpaid bill of $100
b. A dispute over the amount of income taxed owed
c. M allegation that a lower court made a mistake
d. A controversy among cousins regarding their share of a deceased grandparent's estate
e. A divorce case
f. A damage suit for $7,500
5. Must a party to a lawsuit be represented by a lawyer/ Explain.
6. Why are courts of original general jurisdiction referred to as courts of record?
7. Who are the officers of
a. Ni inferior court?
b. A state court of record/
c. A federal court?
8. Why is it important to comply with procedural laws?
9. List the ordered events that occur when a civil action is brought
10. What is the procedure by which an appellate court learns about a case/