What is the change in Net Working Capital from 2007 to 2008? What is the firm's 2008 cash flow from operations? What is the firm's 2008 cash flow from investing? What is the firm's 2008 cash flow from financing? Did Ancient Amber issue any new stock and how much if so? See company financial data below:
Income Statement 2007 2008
Sales $4018 $4312
COGS $1710 $1843
Depreciation $577 $678
EBIT $1731 $1791
Interest $269 $269
EBT $1462 $1522
Taxes $497 $517
NI $965 $1005
Dividends $338 $352
RE $627 $653
Balance Sheet
Cash $2107 $2155
AR $2789 $3142
Inventory $4959 $4086
Total CA $9855 $9383
NFA $17669 $19091
Total Assets $27524 $28474
AP $2213 $2146
Short Term Notes $407 $382
Total CL $2620 $2528
LTD $7056 $8232
Equity $17848 $17714
Total D and E $27524 $28474