Chance of winning $100 or more on a type of type A casino slot machine is 3.3%, when playing the maximum bet for one hour. While the chance of winning $100 or more on a type of type B casino slot machine is 2.3%, when playing the maximum bet for one hour. Assume the betting events are independent
1) What is the chance of an individual winning more than $200 dollar in 2 hours playing the type A slot machine?
A. 0.0005
B. 0.0011
C. 0.0462
D. 0.0231
2) What is the chance of winning $200 or more after playing casino slot machine A for an hour then playing casino slot machine B for an hour?
A. 0.0463
B. 0.0237
C. 0.0225
D. 0.0008
3) What is the probability that neither of two individuals playing slot machine A for an hour? win $100?
A. 0.4561
B. 0.9700
C. 0.9350
D. 0.9980