
What is the business-to-business transactions

Read "Want to Buy Chocolate Online? Try Godiva.com" on page 10 of the textbook, and answer the following questions:

1. Identify the business model Godiva uses to generate income in order to sustain itself.

2. List the driving factors (EC drivers) that lead Godiva to sell online?

3. What are the business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) transactions that Godiva uses?

4. Visit the Godiva web site, and describe some of the features Godiva uses to keep consumers informed and interested. Name some of the Web 2.0 tools and features you observe.

Write an essay that is at least 300 words in length, fully elaborating on each of the four questions. Appropriate APA format is required, and the following rubric will be used for a total of 50 possible points.

Case Study 2:Read Case Study 2.2 entitled "Craigslist: The Ultimate Online Classified Site," on page 76 of the textbook, and answer the following questions:

1. What is the Craig's List business model?

2. What is the business and social value that Craig's List provides?

3. What are some of the risks of using this web site?

Write an essay that is at least 300 words in length, fully elaborating on each of the three questions. Appropriate APA format is required, and the following rubric will be used for a total of 50 possible points.

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Business Management: What is the business-to-business transactions
Reference No:- TGS0534640

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