
What is the business sustainability issue


Developing a carbon footprint for an organization requires measuring the production of the raw materials, distribution of the raw materials, distribution of products and retail, consumption, reuse, recycle and disposal. The organizational footprints looks at the energy used in buildings, the industrial processes and the company vehicles. There are six carbon footprints that take into account the GHG emissions. These are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbon, perfluorocarbon and sulfur hexerfluide.

Solid, Inc.'s board of directors has recently hired a new CEO specifically to move the company in the direction of business sustainability. Solid has a large industrial manufacturing facility to make components, and it has a variety of manufacturing processes. Raw materials include a variety of different chemicals and minerals such as plastic, steel, mercury, cadmium, and aluminum. Their furnace-heat treatment processes use a variety of energy sources as well including natural gas, oil, and electricity. Most of its target market is in the United States, and the firm's marketing manager sees a slowing growth as penetration rates are already over 70% in the product category.

To help his with this new program, the CEO has hired you as the Environmental, Health, and Safety Manager (EH&S Manager). He has told you that your first assignment will be to participate in the upcoming annual strategic planning process and to inject the new paradigms into the management team's traditional thinking. He has stressed that your participation will be key to the creation of a different strategic plan that sounds entirely different from anything previous, and that implementing a business sustainability agenda will not be a separate part of the strategic plan but rather an integral part of the plan. He cautions you that the management team has little knowledge of business sustainability concepts.

Given the breadth of business sustainability issues the firm faces, the CEO has asked you to prepare a comprehensive report outlining at least 5 initiatives they could embark upon in each area listed following. Being a stickler for detail, the CEO asked for specific examples of what could be done in the strategic plan to address each of these issues. For each one he wants to know the following:

Question 1. What is the business sustainability issue?

Question 2. What is the risk if this issue is not addressed?

Question 3. What are at least two options to address each of the issues, including the pros and cons of each of the two options?

Areas to address:

A. Likely poor pool of job applicants in the future
B. Likely tightening of standards on the current particulate emissions from the furnace stacks
C. Running out of certain of the firm's raw materials

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Other Management: What is the business sustainability issue
Reference No:- TGS01993572

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