Bioethical Analysis Worksheet
Describe what the issue or decision of consideration is. Identify who is involved in making the decision and who is affected by the decision(s),who are the stakeholders. Identify any and all alternatives in choice. Offer your opinion relative to decision making and choice.
Context -
What is the bioethical issue or decision at hand ?
Who must make the decision(s) related to this issue?
What factual information is relevant to issue and those making decisions?
Stakeholders -
Who are the stakeholders in this situation?
What values are apparent for each stakeholder involved?
What immediate priorities are apparent for each stakeholder?
Alternatives and Tradeoffs
What, if any, are the alternative courses of action in this situation?
How would each stakeholder be affected by any or all of the alternatives?
What solution(s) would you propose to resolve this issue?
How would you convince each stakeholder that this is the best choice?