
What is the biggest cause of biodiversity loss in almost

1. What is the biggest cause of biodiversity loss in almost every ecosystem, including prairies, forest, wetlands, and estuaries? 1)rising temperatures 2)destruction of habitat 3)dependence on salt water 4)global decline in amphibian populations

2. What might explain a scenario in which the Earth's mean temperature was below freezing surface water was scarce? 1) excess atmospheric water was present. 2)greenhouse gases were absent. 3)heat was being trapped in the atmosphere 4)solar energy had evaporated all the methane.

3. Which of the following is the most important greenhouse gas? 1)carbon dioxide 2) nitrous oxide 3) methane 4) water vapor

4. Soft path water management approaches involve which of the following? 1) conservation and efficiency 2) large scale dams 3) pipelines 4) aqueducts.

5. Environmental studies following the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico indicate that 1)scientists' predictions were mostly wrong. 2) environmental damage results will be conclusive in another 3 years. 3) ocean bacteria destroyed the oil droplets and the dispersants equally. 4) conclusions about oil spill damage can be surprising and complex.

6. In-place fossil fuel resource statistics can be misleading because they.

7. How might a rainstorm affect oil and gas drilling sites. 1) drilling rigs and electrical equipment can become flooded and damaged. 2) acid rain, evaporated from flowback, can damage drilling sites. 3) storm water runoff can transport polluted sediment to nearby surface water. 4) fracturing fluids can be diluted to the point of ineffectiveness.

8. Shale gas is a conventional natural gas deposit? 1) true 2) false

9. Geologic carbon sequestration involves separating out carbon dioxide that is created when coal is converted to energy and transporting it to storage sites. 1) true. 2) false 

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