
What is the biggest barrier your program faces

Homework: Community Program Interview

For this homework, each student will choose a community program to research and set up a time to interview a person from that agency (phone or e-mail).

My hope for this homework is that you will make a connection to a community program that offers support, education, and resources for families with young children. Please consider finding an agency/program that works with families considered to need extra support or historically underserved. The program you choose must be inclusive. They cannot exclude anyone for race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, color, age, national origin, gender, or sexual expression.

Include the agency/program you choose non-discrimination statement.

Examples of programs (These are just examples, please feel free to find a program that is interesting for you!)

1. Libraries
2. Schools
3. Boys and Girls Clubs
4. Mental Health Agencies/The Children's Center
5. Pride Center
6. Food Bank
7. Community Outreach
8. Immigration or Refugee Services
9. Latino Family Services
10. Hospitals
11. Environmental Groups
12. United Way/Help Me Grow
13. Home Visiting Agencies
14. Prevent Child Abuse Utah
15. Before and After School Programs

Outline (It would be good although not required to format your homework with this outline)

I. Name of Program

II. Introduction and Summary of Program

III. Interview: After you have chosen your community program, please arrange a time to call or e-mail an interview with someone from that program/agency. When you call/e-mail, introduce yourself, explain that you are a college student working on a class homework, and you would like to interview someone from the agency. You could have a summary of our class (from the syllabus) to read to let them know what kind of class this is. Please call weeks in advance to give yourself plenty of time to arrange the interview and complete the homework on time. Research the program online before you call to familiarize yourself with its mission, get background & contact information, and confirm that they are inclusive and non-discriminatory.

*Questions for the interview (these are just ideas, you may need to create questions that fit your particular agency, please include at least 10 questions) This part may be in bullet points answering each question or a paragraph summarizing the answer and conversation.

1. What is your role in this program/organization?

2. Who and what ages do you serve?

3. What are the goals of this program?

4. What kind of support and resources does this agency need to be effective?

5. Do you have special goals and strategies to reach families that may be "at-risk"?

6. How do you work with other community and educational programs?

7. What is the biggest barrier your program faces?

8. What does your program need to reach more families and children? Is there a need for more support or services like yours?

9. What services or programs would you add, if you could, to help families with young children?

10. What is the best part of this program/organization/school/etc.?

11. How has your agency/program been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic?

IV. Summary:

1. What are your thoughts about this community program?

2. What surprised you?

3. Why did you choose this program?

4. Did anything inspire you?

Format your homework according to the give formatting requirements:

1. The answer must be double spaced, typed, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

2. The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the homework, the course title, the student's name, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

3. Also include a reference page. The references and Citations should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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Other Subject: What is the biggest barrier your program faces
Reference No:- TGS03206786

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