1. What is the best way to describe how Greece's structure was influenced by its geography?
An unsuitable and inhospitable coast forced the Greeks to be a land-based civilization.
The land was unified by great and fertile rivers.
Mountains and islands fractured Greece into a collection of independent city-states.
Uneven resources allowed one region to dominate at the expense of the other regions.
2. After their loss, who did Athens blame and execute for "corrupting the moral character" of the city and the city's youth?
3. How did Pisistratus convince the Athenians to let him rule as a Tyrant?
By bribing officials and nobles from his vast personal fortune.
He monopolized the Athenian supply of crucial olive oil, only giving it to the people if he were made ruler.
He brought a tall peasant girl dressed as Athena to the city and claimed to have the blessings of Athen's patron goddess.
After hiring mercenaries, Pisistratus forced the Athenian council to give him power militarily.