Project Guidelines
-Choose any product that may be shipped intermodally; however, if it is small, such as crab legs, you will need to use a carton, bushel, etc.
-Research and plan how you would ship the product at least 500 miles.
-Concise presentation composed of 13-15 slides that:
- Introduces your product
- Outlines the shipment process and procedures (Important Note: This project does NOT require you to actually ship any product.)
- Answers or addresses the following:
- What is the best way (most economical) to ship your product?
- What forms of intermodal transportation did you use and why did you use them?
- Compare at least three different pricing strategies for your product.
- Select, or highlight, the pricing strategy best suited for the shipment of your product.
- Discuss how you determined the strategy for your intermodal shipment, being sure to include sources and references used in your research.