
What is the best use of the communications spectrum now

Thinking Critically 5

For this assignment, you will pick answer 2 questions from the specified chapters AND 1 question related to the legal videos presentation (3 questions total).

You must answer the first question below based on the video presentation AND choose one question from each chapter. Each answer should be a minimum of 2 paragraphs that are 3-5 sentences.

View the Legal Videos. Answer the following question. Choose one of the areas discussed and explain how that issue touches you as a user of media and media technology.

Read Chapter 16 of the Straubhaar et al. text. Select 1 question from the list below to answer:

1. What should the government do to protect children from harmful media content?

2. What is the greater threat to your privacy? The government or private industry? Defend your position.

3. What is the best use of the communications spectrum now occupied by broadcast radio and television?

4. What should the limits on media ownership be?

5. What does the FCC do, exactly?

Read Chapter 17 from the Straubhaar et al. text. Select 1 question from the list below to answer:

1. Use Potter's Box to analyze the examples on page 472.

2. Using the ethical principle of your choice, decide if a journalist could justify revealing a source, rather than spending months in jail for contempt.

3. Is it true that exposure to violent TV harms young children? Explain your answer.

4. How do you ethically justify "sharing" music on the Internet? How would you explain that position to your favorite band or musician?

5. What is plagiarism, and how can you avoid it?

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Dissertation: What is the best use of the communications spectrum now
Reference No:- TGS02783371

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