What is the best means for collecting data on this behavior

Read and respond to at least two of your classmates' posts. Explain how you would collaborate with other school faculty and staff in the data collection and behavior modification plans suggested by your classmates. Use your research to back up your decisions. Include at least two additional suggestions based on your own findings and personal experience.

First classmate respond to is Rosina Thomas

According to the scenario you are leaving us with "you notice that Prudence never finishes her class work because she always has something to do, such as sharpening her pencil, getting a drink of water, or throwing something away; when she leaves her seat she accidently bumps into other students' chairs, angering them. When they turn around to say something to her, she gets very defensive and shouts, "I didn't do anything! Why are you always blaming me?!" (Dawson, 2016)

Which behavior should be the target to change, and why? I would target the frequent of getting out of the chair to do excessive things to avoid having to do the work she is supposed to be working on. This the biggest distraction to the class and this is a common behavior that can be overcome in the school environment with consistence effort on change. If you can get her to sit in the seat and be more productive then this will help her learn more and be able to accomplish the task at hand and it will benefit her to have these skills to be able to self-regulate herself. For her to have a positive intervention for behavior changes this is one she can control and she can change. We need to help challenge her to do better and be able to focus on getting her work done and then she will hear the positive feedback of completing the work and staying in her seat she will want to change the behavior. What is motivating this behavior being that this student is older I would ask more questions about what is going on in her environment to motivate this behavior. I would also look to see if the seating could be adjusted to have her on the outside and she would have no need to bump into others and this is a short term fix to a behavior she can change.

What is the best means for collecting data on this behavior? I would use a Behavior Data Collection that focuses on the frequency since it is stated she does this a lot and we need to really see how many times it is she is doing this behavior. McIntyre, (N.D.). Behavioral recording. Retrieved from https://www.behavioradvisor.com/BehRecord.html she discusses "that frequency counting can be set at a look at the entire day and I would break it into hours so you can see clearly how many times this happens however, this gives you a permanent counting record of the getting out of her seat excessively." (McIntyre, N.D. p. 1) Looking at the PBIS Data, (N.D), Positive behavior Interventions and supports. Retrieved from https://www.escambia.k12.fl.us/pbis/data/ They state "frequency measures should be used only if the length of time is not consistent from day to day." (PBIS Data, N.D. p.1) The student is consistently doing this everyday all day long so maybe you will be able to observe a pattern if you record it on a couple of different days to ensure this repeatedly is accurate for her behaviors. The leaving of the seat is very measurable and you are able to help her understand the actions.

Which method would not be effective, and why? Now looking at the same article McIntyre, (N.D.).Behavioral recording. Retrieved from https://www.behavioradvisor.com/BehRecord.html she states "you are looking at the student at a predetermined intervals and making records with that information." (McIntyre, N.D. p.1) However, what if she sees you watching her and this only makes it worse for her to do it more frequently?

How can you use an ABA chart for this student? Wasson, J. B. (n.d.). Single-subject design. Retrieved from https://www.practicalpress.net/updatenov05/SingleSubject.html it states "you want reliable measurements to ensure an accurate account of the behavior you would have time, date, location, the more accurate the information the transition before and after will be able to have documentation of the behavior changes." (Wasson, N.D. p.1) You want the student to not be a distraction when leaving her seat but if she is constantly up then that is distracting the learners around her and why this is needed to be changed.


PBIS Data, (N.D), Positive behavior Interventions and supports. Retrieved from https://www.escambia.k12.fl.us/pbis/data/

Wasson, J. B. (n.d.). Single-subject design. Retrieved from https://www.practicalpress.net/updatenov05/SingleSubject.html

McIntyre, T. (n.d.). Behavioral recording. Retrieved from https://www.behavioradvisor.com/BehRecord.html

Second classmate to respond to is Melanie Culver

The behavior that I would target to change is Prudence getting up from her seat during class work. This behavior leads to the other problem behaviors such as needing to sharpen her pencil and bumping into other students. I would create a behavioral objective that says "Prudence will stay in her seat during all class work and will not get up unless she has permission from the teacher to do so". According to Zirpoli, "teachers should try to state the target behaviors in terms of how the children should behave instead of how they should not behave" (Zirpoli, 2016). The behavior objective I created does just that. It defines the target behavior of Prudence leaving her seat.

Since Prudence has many target behaviors that need to be observed at the same time, I believe the best means for collecting data is using the data collection forms. Data collection forms help teachers/observers record information that is collected during the behavioral observations. These forms have places for the students name, name of the observer, date of the observation, situation or environment the behavior is observed and can list multiple target behaviors all on one form. The type of data collecting form I would use would be the coding system form. According to Zirpoli, "Coding systems refer to a list of codes added to a data collection form that assists teachings in recording observed behaviors efficiently"(Zirpoli, 2016). The coding system works efficiently in Prudence's case by allowing the teacher/observer to observe multiple target behaviors. These behaviors are given a individual code to keep the recording simple and the observer just needs to record the code of the behavior observed, when and where it was observed, and by whom.

An ABA chart is a single subject research design that an observer can use to record data with an initial baseline, initial intervention, and intervention withdrawn/baseline reintroduction. The initial baseline data shows that Prudence is being observed not finishing her classwork. I would list the events that occur during the baseline observation. I would then introduce the baseline objective; Prudence must stay in her seat, known as the initial intervention. The last observation occurs after the behavior objective is withdrawn and the baseline is reintroduced. This means that Prudence would be observed without the target behavior in place. This chart can be used to determine if the results of all the target behaviors are truly because Prudence gets out of her seat during class work.

Zirpoli, T. J. (2016). Behavior management: Positive applications for teachers (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson.

Third classmate is Paula Broad

The target behavior to change would be for Prudence to sit in her seat during instruction unless she has permission from the teacher to leave. Prudence is a friendly and helpful person but she likes to avoid sitting in her seat completing her class work. She always has something else to do instead of completing the work.

The best means for collecting data on this behavior would be frequency recording/event recording. According to Zirpoli (2016, Pg. 130), "when observing for an individual target behavior, an easy method of measuring the target behavior is simply to count the behavior every time it occurs during a specific time period." I am able to use these methods because the behavior can be easily counted and the behavior has a clear beginning and end.

The method that would not be effective is time sampling. "A major disadvantage of this measurement strategy is that it can underestimate a student's behavior since the student may engage in a behavior throughout an interval but stop right before the end of the interval. In this case, momentary time sampling would not capture a good estimate of the occurrence of a behavior" (University of Kansas, n.d.). It is best to capture how many times she gets out of her seat by using the frequency recording/event recording because you are able to keep a count. With time sampling, the amount of times Prudence got out of her seat may be inconsistent with the time sampling. So the recordings results of the time sampling is not valid.

The way I could use an ABA chart with this student is to record the observational information that is happening in her environment. The ABA chart allows me to record descriptive information about Prudence in a systematic and organized way. It helps me to record what events took place (antecedent), the (behavior) observed, and the (consequent) events.


University of Kansas, (n.d.). Momentary Time Sampling. Retrieved from



Zirpoli, T. J. (2016). Behavior Management: Positive Applications for Teachers (7th ed.). Upper

Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson

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