You will conduct an interview of a person in late adulthood: Think of an adult that you know, who is over the age of 60. Either in person, by telephone, Zoom, Skype, or through any other means, ask him/her the types of questions listed below, plus any others that you would like to add. Within your essay, you may include the age of the person whom you interviewed, but please maintain his/her identity anonymously. In other words, do not include the person's name or anything else that will reveal who they are. SAMPLE QUESTIONS TO ASK:
As you reflect upon your life, what do you believe to have been your most meaningful experiences?
If you had to live your entire life again, what would be one (or more) thing that you would do differently?
What is the best general advice that you would give to a younger adult so that he/she can create a sense of fulfillment and live more happily?