1. Charismatic leadership is an example of which approach for studying leadership?
a. leader traits
b. leader behavior
c. situational
d. integrative
2. Definitions of leadership:
a. strongly influence the design and interpretation of research
b. are strongly influenced by research on unconscious processes
c. reflect general agreement about the nature of leadership
d. are pointless because there is no basis for verification
3. What level of leadership processes is emphasized in most theories of effective leadership?
a. intra-individual
b. dyadic
c. group
d. organizational
4. A theory that identifies the essential behaviors for any type of leader is best classified as:
a. descriptive and universal
b. prescriptive and universal
c. descriptive and situational
d. prescriptive and situational
5. What is the best explanation for so many different definitions of leadership?
a. scholarly nitpicking
b. disagreement about what should be considered leadership processes
c. leadership behavior cannot be studied in a scientific way
d. leadership is a very old topic
6. Participative leadership is best viewed as a combination of which two approaches for studying leadership?
a. trait and behavior
b. power-influence and trait
c. behavior and power-influence
d. trait and situational
7. Recent leadership theories such as charismatic and transformational leadership:
a. emphasize rational processes more than rational processes
b. emphasize emotional processes more than rational processes
c. describe emotional and rational processes as equally important
d. de-emphasized both rational and emotional processes
8. Leadership effectiveness is best assessed:
a. by evaluations from the leader's boss
b. by subordinate evaluations of the leader
c. by a variety of subjective and objective criteria
d. by objective indicators of group performance
9. Which is the least accurate statement about the outcomes of leadership actions?
a. immediate and delayed outcomes are usually consistent with each other
b. immediate outcomes are easier to predict than end-result outcomes
c. immediate and delayed outcomes are usually interrelated in complex causal chains
d. end-result outcomes are less useful as criteria of leadership effectiveness
10. Which of the following was not found to be characteristic of managers in most descriptive studies?
a. they spend much of their time engaged in oral communication
b. they spend considerable time engaged in reflective activities such as planning
c. they spend considerable time engaged in lateral communication with peers
d. they are engaged in a large variety of brief activities during a typical workday
11. In a crisis situation, effective leaders are likely to:
a. consult with subordinates
b. reduce their exposure
c. act more considerate
d. act more decisive
12. The descriptive research shows that effective managers are likely to:
a. carefully study each possible option before acting
b. experiment with innovative ideas and approaches
c. get authorization before taking action in order to protect themselves
d. get complete agreement from concerned parties before taking action
13. Research on managerial activities found that managers typically spend the most time:
a. in their office
b. with subordinates
c. reading and writing reports, memos, and correspondence
d. in informal meetings
14. What is the primary management function in the initial stage of the organizational life cycle?
a. coordinating work activities
b. obtaining resources
c. increasing member motivation
d. improving efficiency
15. Which was not mentioned as one of the four general processes in managerial work?
a. making decisions
b. satisfying customers
c. developing relationships
d. influencing people
16. In comparison to low-level managers, most top executives:
a. are more focused on solving immediate problems
b. are more autocratic in their decision making
c. have a stronger concern about efficiency
d. have a longer time perspective
17. Effective managers are most likely to:
a. concentrate on solving the easy problems first
b. concentrate on solving the most difficult problems first
c. deal with each problem as soon as it is discovered
d. look for ways to solve related problems at the same time
18. According to Stewart, which of the following statements is not correct?
a. demands and constraints are essentially the same for most managerial jobs
b. managerial behavior is strongly influenced by demands and constraints
c. role conflicts are caused by incompatible demands from different people
d. demands and constraints depend in part on a manager's perceptions
19. According to Mintzberg, which type of role is likely to get the highest priority?
a. entrepreneur
b. spokesperson
c. disturbance handler
d. negotiator
20. Which is not a method for developing behavior taxonomies?
a. distributive aggregation
b. judgmental classification
c. factor analysis
d. theoretical-deductive approach
21. According to Blake and Mouton, effective leaders are most likely to:
a. have a high concern for the task and a moderate concern for relationships
b. have a moderate concern for the task, and a high concern for relationships
c. have a moderate concern for both the task and relationships
d. have a high concern for both the task and relationships
22. Which results were found in the early Michigan leadership studies?
a. effective supervisors spent much of their time working on the task with subordinates
b. effective supervisors used close supervision to insure the work was done correctly
c. effective supervisors were careful not to get too friendly with their subordinates
d. effective supervisors devoted more time to managerial functions such as planning, coordinating, and work facilitation
23. Which of the following was not provided as a guideline for coaching?
a. provide constructive feedback about effective and ineffective behavior
b. ask specific questions to help the person analyze his or her performance
c. encourage the person to look at a problem from different perspectives
d. provide detailed instructions on how to carry out each assignment
24. An important contribution of the research by Bowers and Seashore was the emphasis on:
a. peer leadership
b. situational factors
c. influence processes
d. critical incidents
25. Which of the following was provided as a guideline for monitoring?
a. measure outcomes rather than wasting time trying to assess the causal processes
b. develop independent sources of information about the performance of the work unit
c. use prior performance as the primary basis for assessing current performance
d. conduct progress review meetings more often for complex, unstructured tasks that take a long time to complete
26. Which of the following is least likely to be an outcome of leader supporting behavior?
a. better time management for the leader
b. reduced stress for the subordinates
c. more cooperative leader-subordinate relationships
d. lower absenteeism and turnover by subordinates
27. Most critical incidents studies of leaders find all except which of the following?
a. respondents are very critical of their leader
b. establishing effective relations with others is an important behavior category
c. many reported incidents are specific to the situation
d. planning is an important category of leader behavior
28. Which was not mentioned as a reason for differences among behavior taxonomies?
a. education of the theorist
b. method of development
c. level of abstraction
d. purpose of taxonomy
29. Which of the following guidelines for recognizing was recommended?
a. provide more recognition to people in essential, high-visibility jobs
b. provide recognition only for outstanding performance
c. actively look for effective behavior or contributions to recognize
d. give praise in private to avoid embarrassing the recipient
30. What is the least important reason for delegating to subordinates?
a. get rid of tedious tasks that are time wasters
b. develop subordinate skills and confidence
c. make the job of subordinates more interesting
d. increase subordinate commitment to a task
31. Decisions about what to delegate to a subordinate are most likely to be influenced by:
a. how much the subordinate wants the assignment
b. how much the manager is overloaded with extra work
c. how competent and trustworthy the subordinate is
d. how long the subordinate has worked for the manager
32. Which of the following was not a guideline for how to delegate effectively?
a. specify the subordinate's scope of authority and limits of discretion
b. explain the new responsibilities and the expected results
c. arrange for the subordinate to receive relevant information
d. tell the subordinate to report any problems immediately
33. The decision procedure that empowers a subordinate the most is:
a. joint decision-making
b. delegation
c. proactive consultation
d. reactive consultation
34. According to the Vroom and Yetton model of leadership, the leader should not use an autocratic decision procedure when:
a. the decision is important and subordinates have relevant information
b. a decision is needed quickly to deal with an immediate crisis
c. subordinates are likely to disagree with each other about the best solution
d. the leader must depend on subordinates to implement the decision
35. What was found in the research on participative leadership?
a. participative leadership does not affect subordinate performance
b. the more participation a leader uses, the more satisfied subordinates will be
c. participative leadership substantially improves subordinate performance
d. the results were inconsistent and inconclusive
36. Substantial delegation is most likely to occur when:
a. the manager is confident and secure
b. the task is important
c. subordinate jobs are highly interdependent
d. work procedures are highly standardized
37. Which was not recommended as a guideline for psychological empowerment?
a. ensure that control systems are functioning properly
b. provide direct access to relevant information
c. provide adequate resources to support the work
d. encourage initiative and problem solving by employees
38. Which of the following characteristics of the job or organization is most likely to be a facilitating condition for the effectiveness of empowerment?
a. cultural values emphasizing reliable, efficient operations
b. a competitive strategy of low cost, standard product or service
c. repeated transactions in a continuing relationship with customers
d. a high degree of standardization and formalization
39. What is the most likely benefit from using participation in decision making?
a. the decision will be made more quickly
b. the quality of the decision will be better
c. there will be more decision acceptance by participants
d. there will be greater agreement among the participants