
What is the best car you prefer from our product line

The data were collected using a simple sampling method. People were chosen randomly to fill the questionnaire, with the personal information including the age, gender and age group. Rest other question of the survey is related to reliably measure the perception of the customers for our cars.
Below is the survey:

1. Gender (M/F)?
2. Age group?
a. 21-30
b. 31-40
c. 41-50
d. 51+
3. The best car you prefer from our product line?
4. Reasonable price?
5. If there is a difference in the quality of our cars? Suggested price if you wish to purchase one?
6. Feedback if you have any query while using our car? (For the existing customers)

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Science: What is the best car you prefer from our product line
Reference No:- TGS0550531

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