What is the best approach to write the essay for the

What is the best approach to write the essay for the homework assignment (below). What type of template or document is available to complete this assignment. It is due today.   The course is (MGMT-500) MBHO23 Applied Management Theory (MGMT-500-01A


  1. As you read Chapter 12 in the textbook, think about people you know whom you consider to be effective leaders:
    1. Why were they leaders?
    2. Do you think their personality or their skills were most responsible for their effectiveness at being a leader?
  2. Download and review the PowerPoint to reinforce the material you have already read.
  3. After reading Chapter 12, complete the Leadership Style Survey on pages 463 - 464 in the textbook. Score your survey by downloading and using the Scoring Guide document.
  4. Read The Servant as Leader. As you read, think about what are the differences in being a servant and being a leader. Are there situations in which these two concepts can merge?
  5. Write a paper that addresses the following issues or questions concerning what you have learned about leadership and servant leadership:
    1. Compare and contrast servant leadership with the other leadership styles discussed in the textbook. Provide a detailed explanation for your evaluation that demonstrates clear, insightful critical thinking.
    2. Evaluate the usefulness of servant leadership to both for-profit and non-profit organizations. Provide a detailed explanation for your evaluation that demonstrates clear, insightful critical thinking.
    3. How effective would servant leadership be in your particular business or industry? How useful is servant leadership to your own leadership role? Provide a detailed explanation for your evaluation that demonstrates clear, insightful critical thinking.
  6. The paper should be written as a formal research paper utilizing APA format with a cover page that includes a running head, abstract, thesis statement in the introduction, body, conclusion, and reference page. At least five academic, peer review references are required for the paper. Your paper should be 800 to 1000 words in length, not including the cover page, abstract, and reference page.

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Management Theories: What is the best approach to write the essay for the
Reference No:- TGS01133637

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