Examine the following reactions:
Reaction 1. Glycerol 1-phosphate + H2O ---> Glycerol + P(i) (delta)G = -9
Reaction 2. ATP + H2O ---> ADP + P(i) + H+ (delta)G = -30
What is the balanced equation and the (delta)G of the coupled reaction?
a. Glycerol 1-phosphate + ADP + H+ ---> Glycerol + ATP (delta)G = -21
b. Glycerol + ATP -----> Glycerol 1-phosphate + ADP + H+ (delta)G = -21
c. Glycerol 1-phosphate + ADP + H+ ---> Glycerol + ATP (delta)G = -39
d. Glycerol + ATP ------> Glycerol 1-phosphate + ADP + H+ (delta)G = -39