
What is the balance now in the stationery budget

Please show your calculations for each of the followingproblems, ten points will be awarded for each correct answer.

1. Memphis Corporation has a sales budget of $500,000.00for the year ended 12/31/05.

The actual sales for theyear were $450,000.00.

A) What is the variance amount?

B) What is the variance percentage?

C) Is the variance favorable orunfavorable?

The actual administrative expenses for Memphis Corporation for2005 were $150,000.00 where as $120,000.00 was budgeted for thisexpense.

A) What is the variance amount?

B) What is the variance percentage?

C) Is the variance favorable orunfavorable?

Memphis Corporation has a cash balance of $200,000.00 on1/1/2008. The company's sales budget for the year was$500,000.00. However, only 80% of the sales for the year arecollectible during the year. The company's expected cash outflow for the year was expected to be $800,000.00. What is theexpected final cash balance? Is it a cash surplus or deficit?

Gates and Company has a cash balance of $150,000.00 on 1/1/08.The company's total expected cash inflow for the year was$500,000.00 and its expected cash outflow was $700,000.00. What isthe expected final cash balance? Is it a cash surplus ordeficit?

The 2006 budget for Gates and Company includes $100,000.00 forstationery expense. The company bought and paid for $50,000.00worth of stationery, and it made a commitment with Office Max tobuy additional $25,000.00 worth of stationery. What is the balance now in the stationery budget?

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Accounting Basics: What is the balance now in the stationery budget
Reference No:- TGS0722088

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