
What is the background for the proposed policy change

Assignment task:

For this assignment, find an active or proposed piece of state or federal legislation affecting some aspect of health care. You will then become an active participant and advocate for or against the legislation and develop an advocacy tool (sometimes referred to as a fact sheet). This means you must understand the intent and implication of the bill to effectively communicate your position to legislators and other stakeholders. This document is only one page (typically front and back) that explains an association's position on the legislation.  In this assignment, consider the following information:

  • This MUST be original work. You will likely find one-pager on the legislation you discover.
  • The FACT sheet should be two pages of content, front and back.
  • Make your FACT sheet easy to read and eye catching-make it interesting and inviting to look at!

When writing your fact sheet, consider these questions:

1. What is the background for the proposed policy change? What problem is the bill trying to solve?

2. How does the legislation address the problem?

3. What is the legislative history? Who is supporting or opposing the legislation, and why?

4. How does the legislation improve access, quality, or lower costs? Need Online Tutoring?

5. What are relevant data and evidence? Include tables or graphs, if appropriate.

6. What is your call to action? What action do you want from readers? For example, do you want them to call their representatives? If the FACT sheet targets a legislator, do you want readers to support a bill?

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Other Subject: What is the background for the proposed policy change
Reference No:- TGS03448634

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