BooksMade is a business that can make specialized books for people. They have 5 machines that can print, bind, and package the books. Each book takes, on average, 2 hours with a standard deviation of 2.5 hours. The average inter-arrival time between two customers is 30 minutes, with a standard deviation of 30 minutes. Assume that the customers are willing to wait for their books. What is the average time between customers making the order and picking up their new personalized book?
Answer the following questions.
1. Number of Machines
2. Average inter-arrival time
3. Standard deviation of inter-arival time
4. Coefficient of variation for inter-arrival time
5. Average service time
6. Standard deviation of service time
7. Coefficeint of variation for service time
8. Demand Rate
9. Capacity of the five book maing machines
10. Average cusomer waiting time
11. Average time between when the customer makes the order and when they pick up the new book