Problem: The Grand Movie Theater has one box office clerk. On average, each customer that comes to see a movie can be sold its ticket at the rate of 6 per minute. For the theater's normal offerings of older movies, customers arrive at the rate of 3 per minute. Assume arrivals follow the Poisson distribution and service times follow the exponential distribution. (7 points)
Q1. What is the average number of customers waiting in line?
Q2. What is the average time a customer spends in the waiting line?
Q3. What is the average number of customers in the system?
Q4. What is a customer's average time in the system?
Q5. What is the probability that someone will be buying tickets when an arrival occurs?
The Grand has booked the Stars Wars Trilogy and expects more customers. From conversations with other theater owners, it estimates that the arrival rate will increase to 10 per minute. Output is supplied for a two-cashier and a three-cashier system.
Number of Channels
Arrival Rate
Service Rate
Probability of No Units in System
Average Waiting Time
Average Time in System
Average Number Waiting
Average Number in System
Probability of Waiting
Probability of 11 in System
less than .0088
Q6. The Grand has space for ten customers to wait indoors to buy tickets. Which system will be better?
Q7. Do you think it is more sensible for them to continue the one-cashier system?