
What is the average net force that acts on the body

You check into the casino's hotel using one of the old aliases you had when you first starting working for the Cartel. Shortly after settling in to your room, the door to your room is suddenly opened and a rather unsavory looking gentlemen with a mass of 60 kg rushes in and towards you carrying a knife. Fortunately, you are quite skilled at Systema from your time working undercover with the Spetsnaz during their covert operations in Afghanistan. Your struggle with the intruder quickly moves to the balcony where you succeed in tossing him over the railing. The would be assailant starts from rest before falling 15 floors (49 m) and splashing into a pool. Afterward, the body sinks to a depth of 3.1 m before coming to a stop. What is the average net force (in N) that acts on the body as it comes to a stop in the water? You may assume that the acceleration of the body is constant as it descends through the water and you can neglect air resistance during the fall from the balcony.

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Physics: What is the average net force that acts on the body
Reference No:- TGS0725236

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