
What is the authorsfauthors important conclusionare these


A two-page typed critique of an article appearing in professional journal or presented at a professional association meeting may select to meet the requirement in this class. An outline of the evaluation procedure is included for your critique:

1. What ishre the objective(s) of the article?

2. What are the main assumptions made in the ankle?

3. Arc the quantitative procedures (if any) and or models used appropriate to the study?

4. Arc the results and analysis consistent with the stated objectives?

5. What is the author'sfauthors' important conclusion?

6. Are these conclusions adequately supported by analysis provided in the anicle?

7. What could the authors) have done to improve or extend the analysis?

8. What have you teamed from this ankle in terms of the methodology?

9. What is your general rating of this article (in terms of its application to real world situation or contribution to the body of knowledge)?

Steps you need to follow

1. Find a professional journal published article you like to critique.

2. Submit the full information of your selected article.

a. Title of the ankle
b. Authors of he article
c. Journal published
d. Volume
e. Year published

3. Get approval from instructor

4. Stan reading and critically reviewing the article.

5. Submit your critique in a two page typed paper.

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Microeconomics: What is the authorsfauthors important conclusionare these
Reference No:- TGS02192026

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