
What is the authorsepistemology or what are the authors

Philosophical Foundations of Educational Research

Select one research article that uses a methodology you would like to explore further. This article should not be one that we have read for this class.

Feel free to use research articles from a journal central to your academic specialty, but you can certainly meet the requirements of this assignment by investigating methodologies far afield from your specialty as well.

Basic Requirements:

1. 1,200 words (roughly five, double spaced pages)

2. Critically analyze one research article

3. Criteria for your analysis

a. What is the authorsepistemology or what are the author's epistemological assumptions?

   i. How do you know?

b. What is the author's ontology or what are the author's ontological assumptions?

   i. How do you know?

c. What theoretical perspective(s) is/are used to frame the research?

    i. How do you know?

d. What methodology is used to justify and guide the methods?

    i. How do you know?

e. What methods are used to investigate the problem or phenomenon?

    i. Do the methods make sense given the methodology and the theoretical perspective?

f. Is the approach to the research logically consistent and well-grounded?

   i. If yes, how and why?

   ii. If no, why not?

4. Well-written with a strong logical flow of ideas, a cohesive structure, and all the elements expected of a strong academic essay at the doctoral level.

5. Use APA format, or the format most commonly used in your specialty

6. Draw on the course readings to support your claims, but also use the scholarly literature from beyond the course reading list as well. Do some digging, please.

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