
What is the authors primary argumentthesis what evidence of

In order to successfully complete this assignment, the student must:

1. Select one article from the list below and read carefully and completely.

2. Write a one-page, single-spaced review of the article.

3. The review should have four elements:

A. What is the author's primary argument/thesis?

B. What evidence of support does the author give to defend and/or prove the argument/thesis?

C. In your view, what are the strengths of the article?

D. In your view, what are the weaknesses of the article?

4. The review should meet the following format guidelines:

A. It should be typed (single-space)

B. Students should save the final document as a .rtf document (rich text format).

C. The margins should be set at one inch (top, bottom, left, right).

D. The font style should be Times New Roman.

E. The font size should be 12 point.

F. Type your name in the upper left hand corner of the paper.

5. Grades for this assignment will be based on the following:

A. The extent to which you successfully identify the author's primary argument (25 points possible).

B. The extent to which you identify and summarize the author's supporting evidence(25 points possible).

C. The quality of your evaluation of the strengths of the article (25 points possible).

D. The quality of your evaluation of the weaknesses of the article (25 points possible).

E. Failure to follow the format guidelines will result in substantial loss of points.

F. Poor spelling and grammar/punctuation will also result in a loss of points.

Warning: this is not a collaborative activity. Though several students may choose to review the same article, they should refrain from working together on their written reviews. In cases where two students have turned in the same review or reviews that have a high degree of similarity as to indicate collaboration, said students will be subject to sanctions. To avoid this, simply do your own work in your own words.

7. Recommended due date: Week Seven.

8. Academic honesty: when submitting written work, students are on their honor. Any student found to have engaged in plagiarism will be subject to disciplinary action per college policy. Students should review the College's statement on plagiarism on the course menu.

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History: What is the authors primary argumentthesis what evidence of
Reference No:- TGS0980253

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