
What is the author trying to communicate how does the

Book Review: De La Torre, Reading the Bible from the Margins


After reading Miguel A. De La Torre's Reading the Bible from the Margins students will choose three chapters (not including the introduction) on which to focus their paper of 4-6 pages (1" margins, Times New Roman 12 pt. font, no title page, heading single-spaced, text double-spaced).

The audience should be imagined as adults of average to above average intelligence (pastors, parents, peers) who are not specialists in this field. This reading report should have two parts:

Part One: Chapter Summaries. You are to summarize each of the three chapters of your choosing. Pay attention to the aims of each chapter.

What is the author trying to communicate? How does the author go about making the argument? How does the content of this particular chapter relate to De La Torre's overall aims in this book, or other specific elements of the book outside the chapters you have highlighted? Read carefully and write concisely. Allot 275-350 words (~1 page) per chapter (825-1050 words/~3 pages total).

Part Two: Engagement of the Chapters. This is the place where you articulate in some detail what you feel are the merits and/or shortcomings of your three chosen chapters.

What aspects of the articles/chapters do you consider to be especially helpful or illuminating? What aspects of the articles do you consider to be particularly troubling? Do you still have questions? What are they? Allot 300-600 words (~1-2 pages) for this section.

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Dissertation: What is the author trying to communicate how does the
Reference No:- TGS02924112

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