
What is the author trying to accomplishwhat information did

As you read a scholarly essay that you are finding to be difficult, try filling in the blanks in the following template:

1. The main purpose of this article is _______. (What is the author trying to accomplish?)

2. The key question that the author is addressing is____.

3. The most important information in this article is__. (What information did the author use, or presuppose, to support the main arguments?)

4. The main inferences in this article are _______. (What are the most important conclusions the author presents?)

5. The key concepts we need to understand in this article are_________.

6. By these concepts the author means________. (What are the most important ideas that you would have to know to understand the author's line of reasoning?)

7. The main assumptions underlying the author's thinking are ________. (What is the author taking for granted [that might be questioned]? What are the assumptions that the author does not think need defending in the context of the article?)

8. If we take this line of reasoning seriously, the implications are ____. (What would result from taking the author's line of reasoning seriously?) If we fail to take this line of reasoning seriously, the implications are _____. (I.e., So what? What's at stake in accepting or rejecting the author's conclusions?)

9. The main point of views / perspectives presented in this article are ______. (What ideologies, beliefs, values, concerns drive the article?)


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Dissertation: What is the author trying to accomplishwhat information did
Reference No:- TGS02250055

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