1- An element crystalizes in a body centered cubic lattice. theedge of the unit cell is 3.36 angstroms, and the density of thecrystal is 7.97g/ cm3. what is the atomicweight of the element in grams per mole?
2- The following is a quote from an article in the august 18,1998, issue of the new york times about the breakdown of celluloseand starch: " a drop of 18 degrees Farhenheit from 77 degreesF° to 59degrees F° lowers the reaction rate six times; a 36degree drop from 77 F° to 41F°bproduces a forty folddecrease in the rate." calculate the activation energy for thebreakdown process based on the first and the second estimate of theeffect of temperature on rate. are these values consitent? assumehere that k gives a good approximation of the rate of thereaction.