
What is the article aboutwhat is the given infomation about

Annotated Bibliography Grid

The annotation should do three things:

Summarize the article, point out what is important about it, and provide criticisms or point out shortcomings.

It should include the following specific elements:

1. APA Reference Citation (this will save you a lot of time when you are completing your final literature review)

2. What is the article about?

3. What is the given information about the sample and population for the study?

4. Summary of the article.

5. Why was this research performed?

6. What were the findings?

7. What are the strengths of the article? (include strengths based on type of research performed)

8. What are the weaknesses? (include weaknesses based on type of research performed)

9. What are the implications for practice within your respective field or area of interest?

The following grid was created by a fellow instructor here, Michael Perkins. It is an excellent tool for putting your literature together, and so we will be using it in this course. After you choose your topic in week 2, you will need to find five articles on that topic. Please see the Completing Course Papers Presentation (Content Area/Assignment Overviews) for specific information on acceptable articles for this paper.

Copy the grid below, and paste it in a Microsoft Word document; you will need to paste it 5 times, so that you have five blank copies of the grid. For each of your 5 articles, you need to complete a grid. You will complete the grid by filling out the spaces, and addressing the various categories. So, for example, the first category is "Reference Citation" which means you need to type in the APA formatted reference citation for your article. The second category is "What is the article about?" which means you need to type in the topic of the article and what main purpose of the article is. You will need to fill in the spaces in the grid for each category. The table will expand as you write. MORE information is better than less.

This grid is designed to assess your understanding of the article and as a tool for you when writing your final paper. In other words, the completed grids serve as notes for you when you write your final paper and a way for me to gauge your understanding of the article. Submit your Microsoft Word document with the completed grids to the Dropbox. There is a Dropbox folder titled "Annotated Bibliography".

Reference Citation What is the article about? Information about sample and population Article summary Why was the research performed? Findings Strengths Weaknesses Implications for Practice.

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