What is the arithmetic average rate of return earned


Caswell Enterprises had the following end-of-year stock prices over the last five years and paid no dividends.

Time      Caswell
1           $12
2           $9
3           $7
4           $6
5           $12

• Calculate the annual rate of return for each year from the above information.

• What is the arithmetic average rate of return earned by investing in Caswell's stock over this period?

• What is the geometric average rate of return earned by investing in Caswell's stock over this period?

• Considering the beginning and ending stock prices for the five-year period are the same, which type of average rate of return best describes the annual rate of return earned over the period (arithmetic or geometric)?

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Finance Basics: What is the arithmetic average rate of return earned
Reference No:- TGS03007588

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