
What is the argument of essay-floppy disk fallacies


Read the essay, "Floppy Disk Fallacies" and complete the questions.

Use the "Academic Argument" handout to help you understand the questions below.

You can write in the spaces below, please make sure your answers are clear.

1. What is the argument of this essay?

a. This means, what is the issue and what are the two sides?
b. What is the author's general point of view?

2. What is the author's thesis/argument/major claim? (This should be a clear statement that takes a side). Do not write, "It is about how..." Not a thesis!

3. Identify the author's minor claims.Write the paragraph # and the claim.
a. Then, identify the examples/support the author uses to support the minor claim.

4. At any point in the essay, does the author agree with "the other side"?
a. Identify the paragraph, and what the author says.

5. Does the author begin the first paragraphs with her minor claims?
a. What are her first4 paragraphs doing?

6. How does the author conclude her essay?

Argument can refer to the "issue." For example: The issue, or argument of gun control.

Argument can also refer to someone's thesis: Her argument is: The government should make stricter rules for gun control. (The example I just gave here is a terrible thesis by the way! It's too general!)

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Other Subject: What is the argument of essay-floppy disk fallacies
Reference No:- TGS02012082

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