1. What comes next in the series?
13 17 19 23 ___
2. Fill in the missing digits
2 1 9 7 0 5
- __ 8 4 __ 1
__ 8 1 __ 1 4
3. What is the area of a rectangle of length 10cm and breadth 7.5cm?
4. Replace the ? with the correct number
5. Fill in the blanks with +,-,x,÷
5 ___ 5 ___ 5 ___ 5 = 1
6. A car starts at 07:30 am and travels for 7 hours to reach destination. What time will the car reach the destination?
7. 1.5 x 40 =
8. The distance from station A to B is 96km. A train goes from A to B in 5 hours.
What is the speed of the train?
9. 9 + 6 ÷ 3 x (2+3)