1. Plot the following points on the scatter diagram:
Plot the points carefully and use the "Remove Last Point" button to replot a point if you make an error.
What is the approximate correlation coefficient (r) for your scatter diagram?
- Between .50 and .69
- Between .70 and .89
- Between .90 and 1
Item 1
2. Press the "Clear All Points" button and then plot the following points on the scatter diagram: {(0,0), (1,1), (2,4), (3,7), (4,8), (5,9), (6,8), (7,7), (8,4), (9,1), (10,0)}. Plot the points carefully and use the "Remove Last Point" button to replot a point if you make an error. After plotting the points, press the "With Line" button.
Which best describes the scatter diagram, best-fit line, and correlation coefficient?
- The scatter diagram is linear, the best-fit line trends downward, and the correlation highly negative.
- The scatter diagram is linear, the best-fit line trends upward, and the correlation highly positive.
- The scatter diagram is curvilinear, the best-fit line trends downward, and the correlation highly negative.
- The scatter diagram is curvilinear, the best-fit line is flat, and the correlation is near zero.
- The scatter diagram is linear, the best-fit line is flat, and the correlation is near zero.