What is the appropriate way to close the head tag - aspects

Question 1 of 20

What is the appropriate way to close the tag?




D. <>

Question 2 of 20

HTML pages are viewed in:

A. a text viewer.

B. notepad.

C. a browser.

D. java.

Question 3 of 20

Which of the below aspects of XHTML are characteristics of well formed XHTML code?

A. Use only uppercase letters and never use spaces in file names.

B. Use only lowercase letters and never use spaces in file names.

C. Use only lowercase letters and use spaces in files names.

D. Use only uppercase letters and use spaces in files names.

Question 4 of 20

Which tag creates the smallest text?





Mark for Review What's This?

Question 5 of 20

How do you create a horizontal line with HTML code?





Mark for Review What's This?

Question 6 of 20

Which HTML tag creates a bulleted list?



      C. D.


      Question 7 of 20

      Which of the following will properly create a glossary list?


      The definition term
      Is defined below the term


      The definition term
      Is defined below the term


      The definition term
      Is defined below the term


      The definition term
      Is defined below the term

      Question 8 of 20

      The link tag is:

      A. .

      B. .

      C. .

      D. .

      Question 9 of 20

      You want to include some Visual C-Sharp source code in a web page. You know that HTML ignores extra spaces and tabs. Doing this to your source code will make it very hard for the reader to understand. Which tag tells the browser to preserve the original tabs and spacing just as you wrote it?





      Question 10 of 20

      A web page is:

      A. a single document on a web site.

      B. a group of documents on a web site.

      C. a group of web sites devoted to a single topic.

      D. the top section of the visible part of a document.

      Question 11 of 20

      Bulleted lists are also known as:

      A. ordered lists.

      B. unordered lists.

      C. glossary lists.

      D. nested lists.

      Question 12 of 20

      To display the copyright symbol (C inside a circle) on a web page, use:

      A. (c).

      B. .

      C. ©.

      D. ©.

      Question 13 of 20

      To display X2 on a web page, enclose the 2 in a __________ tag.

      A. superscript

      B. subscript

      C. &sup

      D. &sub

      Question 14 of 20

      Which of the following links, when clicked, will take the user to a place on the same page containing the label "section5"?

      A. Go to The Fifth Section

      B. Go to The Fifth Section

      C. Go to The Fifth Section

      D. Go to The Fifth Section

      Question 15 of 20

      "../files/file.html" is called a/an:

      A. relative path name

      B. absolute path name

      C. simple path name

      D. compound path name

      Question 16 of 20

      Which of these is a valid comment in HTML?

      A. /* This is a comment */




      Question 17 of 20

      Which tag is allowed inside of the Tags?

      A. </p> <p>B. <body></p> <p>C. <html ></p> <p>D. <table></p> <p>Question 18 of 20</p> <p>When you put one list inside another list, you are doing something called:</p> <p>A. subjugating lists.</p> <p>B. prioritizing lists.</p> <p>C. nesting lists.</p> <p>D. internalizing lists.</p> <p>Question 19 of 20</p> <p>There are __________ levels of heading tags in HTML and HTML5.</p> <p>A. 4</p> <p>B. 5</p> <p>C. 6</p> <p>D. 7</p> <p>Question 20 of 20</p> <p>The first page structure tag in an HTML page must be the __________ tag.</p> <p>A. <head></p> <p>B. <body></p> <p>C. <html></p> <p>D. <frame></p></p> </div> <div id="viewreadmore" class="link"> <a id="readmore" href="javascript:void(0);" class="read-more-trigger mar_top10" onclick="changeheight(this)">View Complete Question</a> </div> <div id="DivSolution"> <h4> Solution Preview : </h4> <div class="seprator"> </div> <p> </p> <div class="downloadfiles"> <h5> Prepared by a verified Expert</h5> <h6> : What is the appropriate way to close the head tag - aspects</h6> <h5> Reference No:- TGS02593869</h5> <input type="submit" name="getPaid" value="Purchase Solution File" id="getPaid" class="btn btn-success btn-lg btn-block-sm mar_btm20" /> <p> Now Priced at $20 (50% Discount)</p> </div> <div style="text-align: justify"></div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12 reviewbox"> <div id="PlnRated"> <div class="row recomded"> <div class="recomdedbox col-sm-2 col-xs-12"> <p class="inner"><i class="fa fa-thumbs-o-up"></i> Recommended <b>(97%)</b></p> </div> <div class="recomdedbox col-sm-2 col-xs-12"> <p class="inner rating"><i class="fa fa-star"></i> Rated <b>(4.9/5)</b></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row "> <div class="panel-group review" id="accordion" role="tablist" aria-multiselectable="true"> <div class="panel-heading" role="tab" id="headingTwo"> <h4 class="panel-title"> <a class="collapsed" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#collapseTwo" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseTwo"> Have a Question? 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