What is the anticipated sample size: How many will be included? How will you determine this number?
Explain the demographic variables (age, gender, ethnicity, education etc. and how these relate to the study).
What population does the sample belong to? Ie: What are the general demographic characteristics of the population (students, children, healthy adults, mentally ill adults etc).
Recruitment: How do you plan to recruit the participants? Will all those recruited be included in the study? Why or why not? What type of sampling procedure will you use?
Location: Where will the data be collected?
Discuss potential difficulties you may encounter in recruiting this population and/or discuss your plan on how to access this population.
In this study use a Qualitative research method. the participants are 9 people. three from big banks who merged with other banks. three are from small banks. three are from SMEs. the location will be in Colorado, Denver. the age of the participants from 31 to 50 years. the demographic variables (age, experiences, department positions, academic qualification, etc)
Please use those resources when you write the introduction to explain the research design:
Creswell, J. W. (2002). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative.
Creswell, J. W. (2013). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage.
Miller, D. C., & Salkind, N. J. (Eds.). (2002). Handbook of research design and social measurement. Sage.
You have the right to use any good sources.
Also please follow this contents:
Research Design
Selection of Participants