
What is the angular radius of the first dark ring

Consider light from a helium-neon laser (632.8 nanometers)striking a pinhole with a diameter of 0.175mm . At what angle to the normal would the first dark ring be observed?

Diffraction due to a circular aperture is important inastronomy. Since a telescope has a circular aperture of finitesize, stars are not imaged as points, but rather as diffractionpatterns. Two distinct points are said to be just resolved (i.e., have the smallest separation for which you can confidently tellthat there are two points instead of just one) when the center ofone point's diffraction pattern is found in the first dark ring ofthe other point's diffraction pattern. This is called Rayleigh'scriterion for resolvability. Consider a telescope with an aperture of diameter 1.10 .

What is the angular radius of the first dark ring for a point source being imaged by this telescope? Use 550 nanometers for the wavelength, since this is near the average for visible light.

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Physics: What is the angular radius of the first dark ring
Reference No:- TGS0714484

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