
What is the angle of friction of the ashover grit -

Introductory Geology

Using all available information, answer the following questions.

The geology can be viewed using either iGeology, or the Geology of Britain Viewer

Grid references are given in the format required by the Geology of Britain Viewer.

Contours on the map are in feet. 1 metre = 3.28 feet

1) Three possible sites have been identified for a lead battery recycling plant, each on very different rock types. The three possible sites are at grid references 290560, 257637 and 303571. For each site determine:

a) Name of the geological formation (e.g. Coal Measures).
b) Rock type or soil type (e.g. sandstone, mudstone etc).
c) Potential physical hazards on the site.
d) Sources of contamination if any.

2) Explain the link between the geology and risk posed by radon gas in Matlock (430000, 360000).

3) A food processing plant is looking for a suitable location within the map area with a ready source of groundwater.
a) Identify and name the aquifers in the area.
b) Comment on their water quality indicating the problems this might cause in the processing plant.

4) Following heavy rain a road cutting in the Ashover Grit at Edge Farm (353553) experiences landslip on bedding surfaces. To determine the cause and possible solution an engineer collects samples of the Ashover grit to determine the shear strength. The following results were obtained.

Confining stress (kN/m2)                 Peak strength (kN/m2)

Test 1                     0                                                     85000

Test 2                     6900                                                110000

a) What is the angle of friction of the Ashover Grit.

b) Using the test results and information provided propose a reasonable cause of the landslip and action that could be taken to reduce the risk of future landslips.

5) You are asked to evaluate the area for shale gas. Determine what rock formation is the prime target, select the best possible drilling site and explain why you have chosen this site.

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Dissertation: What is the angle of friction of the ashover grit -
Reference No:- TGS02876549

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This assignment deals with the map problems based on the geology concepts.These problems are related to the geography of UK.In the first question we provided the the type of rocks atn various grid references.second question depends on the finding of the various grid references.The third question provided the Various grid references for various food plant establishments.the question 4 provided the effect of radon and its consequences.in question 5

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