
What is the amplitude of the voltage pulses at drain of q1

Response to the following problem:

Figure shows a scheme for coupling and amplifying a high-frequency pulse signal. The circuit utilizes

69_scheme for coupling.jpg

two MOSFETs whose bias details are not shown and a 50-_ coaxial cable. Transistor Q1: operates as a CS amplifier and Q2: as a CG amplifier.

For proper operation, transistor Q2: is required to present a 50-_ resistance to the cable.

This situation is known as "proper termination" of the cable and ensures that there will be no signal reflection coming back on the cable.

When the cable is properly terminated, its input resistance is 50Ω . What must gm2 be?

If Q1: is biased at the same point as Q2:

What is the amplitude of the current pulses in the drain of Q1:

What is the amplitude of the voltage pulses at the drain of Q1:

What value of RD is required to provide 1-V pulses at the drain of Q2:

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Electrical Engineering: What is the amplitude of the voltage pulses at drain of q1
Reference No:- TGS02028767

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