What is the allele frequency of the b allele in pop 1

Assignment Task: Two Populations (population 1 and 2) send a randomly selected group of their inhabitants to settle on a new and previously uninhabited island. Before sending anyone off to the island, both populations are at Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium for an autosomal recessive trait displayed by individuals with the genotype bb.

In pop 1:  1 out of 10,000 people express the trait

In pop 2: the frequency of the b allele is 0.2

A) What is the allele frequency of the b allele in pop 1?

(The two populations send their settlers to the island. Where the 100,000 settlers randomly mate. Each couple has 2 children, thereby creating a new generation of 100,000 people (1000 whom express the trait)

B) What is the allele frequency of the b allele in the new generation on the island?

C) Assuming the population is in HWE, if you select a female at random what is the chance she is a carrier?

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Biology: What is the allele frequency of the b allele in pop 1
Reference No:- TGS03250089

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